Death sees humans at their worst as well as at their best. Busy with the constant demands of his job he rarely takes notice of the living. However, occasionally he comes across a life that causes him to pause and take note. One such life is Liesel Meminger. He is so struck by her story that he is compelled to narrate the story to us, a living audience.
Set in a poor part of a WWII-era town Death takes his audience on a journey with Liesel where-in she learns to read and the true power of words. She discovers the many shades of love as well as the bitter taste of loss. She learns what true friends are as well as the power of hate. Oh yes. And she steals books.
Zusak reasserts the power of language in his wonderful narrative forcing his audience to feel the words printed on the page. Come walk with Death along Liesel’s journey.
I really would like to read this book! I'm not sure about this year...maybe in 2010.